consenso Intelligent Pricing

From historical data to intelligent prices. Our consulting solution for your price management, integrated into standard SAP and without additional licence costs.

Intelligent pricing. A balance between profit optimisation, competitiveness and customer acceptance

Finding the right price at the right time - a complex challenge for you as a retailer, perhaps the biggest.

To ensure your long-term success, your pricing requires comprehensive analyses, strategic planning and continuous adjustments. With consenso Intelligent Pricing, we offer you the perfect, highly efficient tool for this purpose.

A central element of our consulting solution is the PriceEngine. Based on rules, it determines the best price for you and also simulates future sales. Your historical data forms the basis, which we analyse in our PriceCockpit - the second important component of our service - to determine price and demand influencing factors. A workflow-based approval process as well as monitoring and reporting of active data are also included in the solution..

In terms of technology, we rely on pure SAP standard components such as SAP Fiori or BRF+ for our consulting solution. Based on an object-oriented programmed framework, we thus offer a high-performance solution that has already proven that it can handle handle millions of items of article data - and all without annual licence costs.

One key advantage is in the objectivity of the decision-making process, which makes every pricing decision explainable and comprehensible. And by using AI, the process is continuously optimised at various stages: when creating correlation analyses to determine price and demand influencing factors, when checking for cannibalisation effects, when simulating sales and also in reporting.

As a result, we offer you structured price management - the right price at the right time in a balance between profit optimisation, competitiveness and customer acceptance.


PriceEngine and PriceCockpit. An unbeatable team

Our PriceEngine uses your historical data to determine the best price for you based on rules and also simulates future sales.

Here, the key terms are operationalisation and derivation. We transfer the key influencing factors that determine purchasing behaviour from your business into the digital space and answer key questions such as...

  • What are the key factors for your business?
  • How can these be operationalised?
  • Do the factors differ from product to product?
  • Do the factors vary depending on the weather, location or season?

And our PriceEngine is anything but a black box! Our PriceCockpit - the combination of data science and pricing - ensures transparency and traceability.

Graphically prepared KPIs, price and demand influencing factors, price recommendations and sales forecasts - all can be differentiated according to individual aspects, based on standards in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC). State-of-the-art analytics - so all pricing decisions ultimately remain in your hands.

All of this is rounded off by structured reporting. Detailed analyses of key figures such as sales, margin and price elasticity provide valuable insights, both retrospectively and going forward. This makes it easy to understand the effects of price adjustments, readjust pricing strategies if necessary and react quickly to changing market conditions at any time.

Your price management, supported by our Intelligent Pricing - this is how we increase your digital maturity level together and create measurable benefits quickly.

Key facts in a nutshell

We would be happy to show you in a personal meeting how our solution can create added value specifically for you

Simply get in touch with us to take the first step towards optimised prices and increased profitability. We look forward to hearing from you! To the contact form

consenso Intelligent Pricing. Successfully proven in practice...

Use cases for utilising the modules of our pricing solution can be found in our customer projects.

For example, at AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG in Münster.

Here, the objective was to integrate the price calculation into SAP both in terms of processes and architecture without changing the defined set of rules - and thus, in particular, to considerably reduce the manual effort of the previous pricing procedure. This goal was achieved with the implementation of consenso’s Price Engine. Learn more

You can find more reports about us and our successful SAP projects in our project stories