Christoph Möltgen
Chief Transformation Officer
“Within the P4P program, consenso was co-responsible for the establishment of a powerful program organisation as well as an efficient and effective project structure. Thanks to this strong foundation, consenso provided the basis for achieving the first objectives and for the implementation of a business process landscape applicable to all group companies in scope.”
approx. 6,240
Revenue 2021/22:
5.1 billion EUR
Full-line mail-order business
Head office:
The company was founded under the name “Werner Otto Versandhandel” by Werner Otto on 17th August 1949. It was located in Hamburg-Schnelsen. In 1955, a central office for 800 employees was built in the badly destroyed Hamburg-Hamm that was used until 1960. Then, the company moved to Hamburg-Bramfeld where the head office is still located to date. Since 2003, it has been operated under the name Otto (GmbH & Co KG), the supplement “Versand” has been removed. Otto’s business premises in Hamburg cover 205,000 m2. In 1982, the turnover amounted to approx. 3.9 billion DM. In 2013, Otto was Germany’s largest online retailer for fashion. In the business year 2015/16, more than 90 percent of the turnover of Otto-Einzelgesellschaft (individual company) was generated via the internet. According to an e-commerce study by EHI Retail Institute and Statista, Otto was the second biggest German online retailer behind Amazon in the year 2015.