FOCUS Business and kununu rated consenso as
TOP employer of Medium-sized Businesses 2020
12th December 2019
For the third time, FOCUS Business and the online ranking platform kununu jointly honour the TOP Employers of Medium-sized Businesses. And for the third time, consenso is part of the game.
The underlying ranking of this award is based on the FOCUS score arising from the criteria company size, kununu score as well as the total number of kununu employer rankings.
In the 20th year of its existence, the SAP consulting company consenso is the professional home of approx. 200 employees. consenso's management board perceives the kununu score as a reward for the commitment for its employees. Here, the comfort factors working atmosphere and team spirit as well as the career factors equality and interaction with older colleagues are rated as outstanding. "Flat hierarchies, a broad range of options for a professional career in innovative SAP projects of well-known customers, comprehensive education and further training, best conditions" these are the reasons for the positive employee reviews, says Managing Director Achim Sieren. "However, there is more to it than that", he continues. "We associate with each other on a fair, partly almost familiar basis this makes it easy to feel good and comfortable. Despite all the hardship that is sometimes involved in the project business, we never miss out the fun!".
The official list of the TOP Employers of Medium-sized Businesses 2020 was published in the November edition 2019 of the FOCUS Business magazine.
Links on the topic:
- https://www.consenso.de/en/your-home-port.html
- https://www.kununu.com/de/consenso-management-it-consulting
- https://www.focus-magazin.de/focus-business
- https://www.burda.com/de/news/focus-business-zeichnet-erstmals-top-mittelstandle/
- https://www.burda.com/de/news/ranking-die-besten-arbeitgeber-des-deutschen-mitte/
Focus Line Extensions GmbH, 2019
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