Work & Life
consenso Company Bike
The Corona pandemic has changed many things. A few things even for the better – maybe even permanently.
You need a company car much less if you do some things from your home office. What could be more obvious than the idea of switching directly to the bicycle for the shorter distances? Better for the environment, better for your health!
That's why we offer our employees the possibility of leasing a company bike - the consenso Company Bike. With the help of our cooperation partners JobRad and BusinessBike, we can find the perfect bike at favourable conditions for everyone who wants one!
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Fit with EGYM Wellpass
"Mens sana in corpore sano", the ancient Romans already knew.
And a healthy body does not come – and stay – by itself, especially when the occupational activity ends up being a mostly seated one.
That's why we support the sporting activities of our employees with the EGYM Wellpass (formerly: Qualitrain) fitness program.
Exercise when and where you want – in over 5,000 sports and health facilities throughout Germany and with just one membership. Fitness, yoga, climbing, swimming... at home or even on business trips, at favourable and flexible conditions.
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Partnership with Pro Physio
“Wealth is much, contentment is more, health is everything.”
Pro Physio’s mission statement is the basis on which we established our partnership in 2017. Pro Physio has supported us in the context of our workplace health promotion and accompanied us on our way to a healthy work-life balance.
At two locations and on a daily basis, Pro Physio's highly qualified team treats patients with a wide range of medical conditions and their various manifestations. The employees distinguish themselves with their high level of competence, professionalism and reliability.
In addition to classical physiotherapy, the range of services also includes manual therapy, lymphatic drainage, PNF, Bobath and Vojta, sports physiotherapy (DOSB), craniomandibular dysfunction therapy (CMD), respiratory therapy and much more.
Pro Physio regularly offers a wide range of courses on the subject of "back health" at the consenso headquarters in Bielefeld. From stretching programs and exercises with your own body weight and the Thera-Band to fascia training or Tabata; here, employees have the opportunity to get active, work out, or simply switch off their heads for a short time and relax.
Furthermore, Pro Physio supports our popular in-house football tournament and gives presentations on the topic of health at staff events, such as "Workplace health promotion – what is it?", "Back strain at the workplace" or "Things to know about running".
Since 2018, joint triathlon training camps have been held on Mallorca in spring. For one week, the members of the consenso Tri-Team are prepared for the competition season by Pro Physio in cooperation with triathlon coach Alex Brämer. Thus, for example, the Tri-Team regularly takes part in the annual Hamburg Wasser World Triathlon.
At consenso, we will continue to develop the topic "health of our team" in the future and remain open to new ideas. How else are we going to enable continuous innovation?
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Fitness App
Little exercise and often an unhealthy lifestyle significantly increase stress in the workplace. A healthy lifestyle, on the other hand, leads to satisfaction and well-being.
That is why we have made it our goal to optimise the fitness level and thus the health of our employees. In cooperation with Pro Physio, 4Runners Network and the Department of Sport and Health at the University of Paderborn, consenso developed a fitness program with an accompanying app to promote the sporting activities of our employees.
First and foremost, consenso's company health program is intended to address the less sport-motivated employees and "get them moving". However, this does not mean that the already sporty employees are taken out of focus. The aim is to motivate them to maintain or even improve their current level of fitness.
For this purpose, all employees were first divided into performance groups. In this way, everyone can be guided and supported individually and in the best possible way to achieve their goals.
Employees can use the consenso app 'confit' to manage their own sporting activities. The fitness app not only offers training plans and video instructions, it is also the core of consenso's evaluation and reward system for any kind of sporting activity.
The evaluation is based on a points system, which is deliberately designed to be simple. Points are awarded for every type of sporting activity. Starting from a duration of 30 minutes and independent of the type of sport. The activities can be maintained manually in the app by the employees. But automatic transfer of data from fitness trackers directly to the app is also possible. And at the end of each season, small surprises await the best in each performance group.
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More Life
Projects are demanding. Usually more than a single person can accomplish. That's why project work is always teamwork. And as a team, the better we know each other, understand and respect our strengths and weaknesses, deal with each other constructively and pursue the set goals together, the better we function.
To achieve this, we undertake things together. Our activities range from triathlons to football tournaments and running events right through to table soccer and bockwurst with prosecco for those who like things a little less sporty.
The consenso Soccer Master has already taken place three times as part of our annual summer festival. In tournament mode, teams of 5 field players plus goalkeeper compete against each other on a smaller football field; those "less interested in football" hold a badminton tournament in parallel.
Triathlon has been on the program since 2018. After completing a joint training program, the consenso Tri-Team regularly participates in the Hamburg Wasser World Triathlon in summer. In the Olympic distance, 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running have to be mastered. Passing the tourist hotspots of Hamburg's city centre.
And because we don't want to miss out on the fun, we also do things on a "smaller" scale – for example with a football tournament at the beach bar at the Obersee in Bielefeld, which was played by more than 70 highly motivated colleagues. After 150 games and a total of 1,290 goals, the award ceremony could finally begin! Or with the AOK company run, in June, which led the almost 30 participants over a total distance of 5 km through the old town of Bielefeld and then ended on the town hall forecourt in midsummer temperatures, against which only cold beer helped.
Even in the deepest Corona lockdown there were possibilities to do sports together. With the support of ProPhysio Paderborn, we were able to offer our employees weekly online back training and thus counteract the effects of the home office – both socially and in terms of health – at least a little.
And anyone who finds this too strenuous can get together in the kitchen in Bielefeld on Fridays for a less athletic team building session when Ms. Hartmann calls for a shared lunch snack♥.
You find impressions of our sporting events at Instagram, visit
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Better Work
Of course, we don't just do "life" - we also actively strive to keep the "work" part exciting, varied and flexible.
Job enlargement, job rotation, training on the job, personal coaching, home office, slack time, flex time – we know that our SAP projects are challenging and consciously offer you a balance.
The measures we take are as individual as they are varied.
To avoid work monotony and one-sided stress, we offer systematic changes of activity and work together with our employees to constantly expand their tasks.
Internal presentations and training sessions are held regularly, in which selected topics are presented to colleagues. External training and development measures round off the portfolio at this point, with options ranging from classic SAP training (including certification) via individual coaching on methodological or social skills through to language courses.
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