Print optimisation in the AGRAVIS Raiffeisen markets
Introduction of PRESTIGEenterprise as a communication platform for ESL and posters
6th December 2025
AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG is a modern agricultural trading company in the segments of agricultural products, animal nutrition, plant cultivation and agricultural technology. It also operates in the segments energy and Raiffeisen stores, including building materials outlets, as well as in project construction. As one of five main agricultural cooperatives in Germany, AGRAVIS, headquartered in Münster and employing around 6,600 people, generates a turnover of approx. 9.4 billion € per year.
The DOCK program initiated by AGRAVIS in 2019 focuses on the group-wide introduction of SAP S/4HANA to support the company's core merchandise management processes – with consenso as the implementation partner.
The focus was also on the area of print optimisation and the PRESTIGEenterprise solution from Online Software.
The medium-sized company based in Heidelberg has been supporting international wholesalers and retailers for over 25 years with software solutions for professional store advertising and, with more than 35,000 installations in 35 countries, is the market leader in the field of cross-media in-store communication and sales promotion. With the PRESTIGEenterprise software, the online software offers a communication platform for addressing customers at the POS that includes both traditional media and digital output media.
With the introduction of PRESTIGEenterprise, AGRAVIS not only improves, simplifies and accelerates the printing processes for its Raiffeisen markets, but also has an interface to the new electronic shelf labels (ESL) from the Danish manufacturer Delfi.
‘We spoke to many manufacturers, but in the end Delfi won us over - not only with the right labels and the right price, but also with competent contacts and fast response times,’ says Chantal Fasel, IT Project Manager at AGRAVIS. ‘The fact that PRESTIGEenterprise then also provided an interface to Delfi was a real stroke of luck. We will soon be able to manage both the electronic shelf labels and the printed price tags with just one software - across all organisational units. This scaling is extremely important with over 120 companies.’
PRESTIGEenterprise offers intuitive template management, allowing users to easily create the required templates in the appropriate format themselves, connect them to the central SAP system and distribute the predefined output media to the stores. AGRAVIS has built up the expertise for template creation in-house through training and creates and manages all templates itself.
After just under 2.5 months and a successfully completed test phase, the first store has been in pilot operation since March 2024. The first roll-out stage comprises around 30 Raiffeisen stores, all of which have decided to use ESL in their stores. Further stores are on the roll-out list.
‘It is thanks to the excellent cooperation that the project was able to be rolled out so quickly,’ praises Marcel Ruholl, consenso project manager. ‘All the hurdles on the road to success were overcome in a courageous and solution-orientated manner. The best basis for a trusting and cooperative partnership.’
Online Software is very pleased with the first real implementation following the certification of the interface to Delfi Technologies. Rendered images from customers can now be exchanged easily via the existing stock interface. For customers interested in ESL, this means that previously required programming work is no longer necessary and the images can be transferred one-to-one into the Breece software solution. This makes it even easier to get started with electronic labelling - partial configurations can be implemented quickly and easily. ‘Just install the antenna and get started,’ explains Matthias Brod, Authorised Representative & Sales Director Retail at DELFI.
Another successful step on the road to digital transformation at AGRAVIS! Our sincere thanks go to our partner Online Software and of course to our customer AGRAVIS for the successful implementation of the PRESTIGEenterprise launch. We look forward to further upcoming projects.
Photo: Online Software, Heidelberg. With kind permission of AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG, Münster.
From our competence centre Omni-Channel & Store Solutions
Categories: Digital Transformation | Store Processes | Print Optimisation | Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) | PRESTIGEenterprise